Our Mission
To grow and provide artificially grown tissues for testing New Chemicals Entities (NCEs) with better data and insights instead of animal models.
Common testing requirements include liver, heart, lungs and pancreas.

Cell Types
Cultivate different types of cells - classified as immortal cell lines or human primary cells

Material Science
Provide cells a base for growing on, usually polymers to recreate the extracellular matrix (ECM) that cells grow in

Use a bioprinter or other special instruments to make a 3D pattern resembling tissue within the human body

Grow cells in layers that resemble a mini-organ and function similarly.

Drug Testing & Toxicology
Research into drug discovery is difficult because of the requirement to validate if the drug works on in-vitro cell cultures and animals.
With 3D scaffolds and organoids, we can effectively perform high-throughput screening and reduce the time taken to get to Phase I of Clinical Trials with better data. Our medical community deserves better, 21st-century tools and capabilities to fight the plethora of new diseases and ailments that humankind discovers.​